Advisory Committees

The advisory committees are voluntary and the scope of each committee is set forth in a charter maintained by the Management Office. The committees are formed around the interests of the residents.

Membership rosters with contact information are due to the Management Office on July 1st each year. Each committee should e-mail their final meeting minutes to the Management Office to ensure that they are included in the Board of Directors meeting packet.

Ad Hoc Committees

Established by the Board of Directors for specific purposes and duration.

Athletic Committee

Considers issues pertaining to the Tower’s athletic facilities.

Committee Charter 2012

Financial Advisory Committee

Advises the Board on changes in and implementation of policies and procedures related to managing the finances of TCA. In consultation with the General Manager and the Board, assists in the preparation of budgets, advises on investment strategies, and recommends ways to maintain the overall financial health of TCA.

Committee Charter 2023

Building & Grounds Committee

Considers issues related to the Tower’s common elements, including landscaping and decor.

Committee Charter 2012

Communications Committee

Assists the Management Office in publishing the Towers Topics newsletter.

Committee Charter 2012

Library Committee

Considers issues related to the Towers Library.

Committee Charter 2012

Resident Activities Committee

Promotes social activities at the Towers and assists the Board in hosting annual and special community events.

Committee Charter 2012

Safety Committee

Considers safety and security within the Towers community.

Committee Charter 2012

Nominating Committee

Established by the President of the Board, the committee solicit candidates for the Board and recommends at least one person for each available Board of Director seat. The committee also organizes the candidate forum.

It is the only advisory committee mentioned in the Bylaws.